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Gov. Brown signs law allowing home cooks to sell their food

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law AB626, a groundbreaking new law that allows people to sell directly to the public food they have cooked in their home kitchens.

California Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella (Riverside County), introduced the bill in 2017. It was held in Assembly appropriations until 2018, when it moved forward again with state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, as co-author. Both the state Assembly and Senate voted unanimously in favor of the bill before it moved to the governor’s desk. Brown signed it on Tuesday, Sept. 18.

Heber crossing guard receives state recognition

HEBER — A simple act of kindness from Heber Elementary School District crossing guard Adam Conn was recently recognized to an extent he never imagined.

After Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, heard Conn had been purchasing and distributing ice-cold water bottles to help keep HESD students hydrated during scorching weather, the assemblyman held a recognition ceremony Tuesday at Heber Elementary to present the crossing guard with a California State Assembly certificate of recognition.